ALIFS Vision

Making people realize that professionals with designers mindset and aptitude will be the alchemists of the future.

Providing keys to unlock a renaissance attitude of good design that combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing.

Making people realize that the keys of ruling jobs are changing hands from knowledge workers to aesthetic workers.

Helping Microanalysis of essential skills you need to upgrade in order to futureproof yourself (demonstration from a large no of current case studies ) .

In a world enriched by abundance but disrupted by the automation and outsourcing, helping everyone, regardless of profession, to cultivate an artistic sensibility.

ALIFS Mission

Making the next generation understand that Left brain thinking remains necessary but no longer sufficient, we must become proficient in right brain thinking and master aptitudes & aesthetics that are high concept and high touch.

ALIFS Values

Continuously striving to transform the way Graduates / Teachers/Entrepreneurs / Research scholars /Leaders learn and gather information.

Helping them become exceptional far superior to professional, from Information age software type to novelty and nuance.

Helping mankind remain relevant and meaningful in an automated era of the IVth Industrial revolution by using Design. Story. Symphony. Empathy. Play.